by Virginia

Many of the readers of this magazine have received through the mail an announcement of a new magazine for TV's which is scheduled to emanate from New York City sometime in June. Several of those who received the announcement wondered how their name had been obtained. I assure any and all readers once again that the mailing list of CHEVALIER PUBLICATIONS is not available for sale or use by anyone without exception, However, it is worth pointing out that over the past three years a large number of people have be come acquainted with each other by mail and in person throu- gh the medium of TRANSVESTIA. When people know of people they can make these names available to others or can mail out literature supplied to them. I have no knowledge of the source of the name list used by TURN- ABOUT-- the name of the new publication---but I am sure the greater part of it consists of persons who were brought into the open through the existance of TRANS- VESTIA.

I think that one thing should be made clear at the start, and that is that I bear no ill will toward the publisher and cooperating individuals in this new. ture. Their efforts will stand or fall on their own mer- its and naturally the more intelligent and clean-cut presentations of the case for TVs that are made the so- oner some greater understanding will develop. How- ever, in the interests of keeping a proper perspective about the whole matter it appears that just as it was proper for the Editor of TURNABOUT to send out a "Prospectus" outlining the intent and purposes of the new venture, it is fitting that I as Editor of TRANS- VESTIA, should set forth that which I am going to call a "Retrospectus' a looking backward to the trail we have blazed and the reasons for the things that we have done. This is fitting and proper because, as most of you who have seen the mailer sent out for TURNABOUT have realized, its wording and its policies are outlined after certain contradictions to the way in which similar matters have been handled inTRANSVESTIA. I feel it


